Communicate on multiple security levels
战术语音通信系统(VCS)允许军队解决关键的通信挑战:共享操作和效率, reducing costs and adapting to rapid technical developments and requirements.
今天的空中指挥和控制控制器依赖于多级安全通信和高度可靠的VCS系统和网络来完成他们的任务. TactiCall VCS在一个系统中满足关键任务应用的信息安全和安全要求.
基于VoIP的TactiCall VCS可实现安全和全功能的地/空(G/A)和地/地(G/G)通信, 支持基于VoIP的VCS的最新国际EUROCAE标准RD 136-138和安全的EUROCAE ED-153.
TactiCall VCS可以操作多个自治和冗余的中心,并将冗余中心作为一个VCS服务进行操作和管理, irrespective of their geographical location and without compromising security and safety.
In order to support different mission needs, TactiCall VCS features multi-level secure G/A communication. 与战斗机的对话可以从非安全状态开始,在对话过程中切换到e状态.g. national or NATO secret conversation “Go Secure – by a single touch”.
For cost effective multi-level secure radio operations and easy crypto key management, TactiCall使加密池能够动态共享VCS中心物理保护的密码.
多国防空行动需要多种任务,并可使用不同安全级别的通信和网络. TactiCall VCS supports multi-level secure loop intercom and multi-level secure telephony. 以这种方式, 控制员可以在国家秘密回路会议上协调,同时在e上保持通信.g. 北约秘密防御网络和民用空中交通服务(ATS)的非机密通信渠道.
The Controller Working Position (CWP) is the voice controller access to the VCS. 它提供了一个图形用户界面,在任务规划和执行方面具有很高的灵活性. The CWP enables the controller to control the on-going communication, select and deselect different types of air and ground communication connections.
The CWP is either configured with a single touch panel or dual touch panels:
- Single panel – the CWP panel will contain both G/G AND G/A communication connections.
- 双面板-双CWP面板将在面板之间分割G/G和G/A通信连接, displaying all G/G/ on one panel and G/A on the other panel.
TactiCall VCS uses highly resilient and distributed system architecture. 该体系结构旨在消除单点故障,并维护关键通信服务的安全性,以实现非常高的可靠性. TactiCall VCS supports parallel operating redundancy, using two fully duplicated and independent communication paths via redundant LAN,WAN and VCS radio servers – instead of a hot standby redundancy, 通常在其他VCS系统中使用.
为了提高效率,TactiCall VCS是使用面向未来的基于容器的微服务架构构建的, 可靠性, 以及软件开发生命周期的安全性,并简化部署和IT维护.
十大正规博彩网站评级为北约国家提供TactiCall安全语音系统,支持同一系统中的所有四个安全域. 在现代军事战争中,对多级安全通信的要求和控制器在多个安全级别上同时协调的能力是一个即将到来的要求.
获取更多的信息安全, the TactiCall VCS installations can be supplied as NATO TEMPEST certified. 排放安全设计和安装按照TEMPEST标准SDIP-29和SDIP-27进行, 达到最严格的暴风雨A级.
In addition to 信息安全 measures, it is important to protect the critical VCS infrastructures against cyber-attacks. TactiCall VCS具有主机和基于网络的防火墙,以保护单个VCS组件,并支持对所有VCS组件之间的所有IP流量进行加密, IP networks and the remote located radios.
TactiCall VCS is built to facilitate the chain of command. 海军和军事通信需要RED和BLACK分离以及整体解决方案的安全认证.